Sunday, March 15, 2015

I remember a birthday party when my brother and I were little , Mom has often make Jaffa cake , because we insisted . Given that I really love , I decided to just the recipe to share with you . Otherwise the recipe for this Jaffa have the blog for three years , but I had a picture section , so that you could not get close to the cake really looks like. In the past week it right the second time , so it would be a shame not to show the section , re- paint process and a detailed explanation . You might also when preparing to do a little cream , but when the stack cake you will see that this is exactly what the ratio should be . This recipe for a Jaffa cake definitely recommend .

PROCEDURE OF egg noodles

1. Remove the yolks from the whites .
2nd yolks , mix with sugar and mix well .
3. Add the walnuts and flour mixed with baking powder and gently unite .
4. Add the egg whites and made ​​pjenačom or spoon all unite .

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